Tuesday, 23 October 2018


So many letter T's... Today's Top Tip Tuesday is The Organised Mum Method. I stumbled across this method online, because I'm always struggling to keep on top of the housework. Being a full time mum, a part time crafter/blogger and a part time teacher doesn't leave a lot of time for keeping a house clean.

Sneak pick of my lush house (which I love)
When I came across TOMM (as those of us in 'the method' refer to it) I was skeptical to say the very least - it boasts that you can spend just 45 minutes a day, and you'll have a spotless house. Now, I'll be the first to own that doesn't include tidying, but actually, keeping on top of the method has meant my house is tidier too. 

TOMM logo

There's handy print outs and and even handier facebook group which is a great place to swap cleaning tips and ask for advice where Gemma (the inventor of the method), and other like minded people are able to answer your questions.

Trust me, it sounds like it won't work - but it really does!

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