Friday, 19 October 2018

FF: Space Jars

Welcome to family friday. This week, I thought I'd share a little crafting that littlest princess and I have been making a lot of recently. Space jars. Seriously, my kid is obsessed. Every time I open her crafting cupboard she asks to make a new space jar - and since they're pretty easy, I generally oblige.

This isn't even our whole collection
We got the idea from this blog post which I found via pinterest (whichI spend far too much time on), They're super easy, and you'll need the following things

  • poster paints
  • water
  • a jar
  • glitter
  • cotton wool

Smaller ones are trickier, and I ended up using a pipette to fill the tiny ones

For the cotton wool I found that either cotton wool balls or just cotton wool works, but if you use the balls, it looks a lot better if you unravel them first. Our current glitter jar has stars in as well as glitter, which makes a great space jar.

I love the colours on this one

These are super quick and easy to make, and littlest princess (who is nearly 3) can do a lot of it on her own. I hope you guys have fun making some too!

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