Tuesday, 20 November 2018

TTT: Stock Making

I'm sure when you read that title, you thought it would be more like a Monday, where I tell you how I make various items of my stock... no, today I am talking about literal, actual, stock. Perhaps it's called broth in America, but that's something different over here too.

This is what I mean by vegetable stock.
I tend to make vegetable stock rather than from meat, but this method works for either (you can always top up vegetable stock ingredients with a chicken carcass or joint bones). First thing to do, is to get yourself a freezer bag, and every time you peel a vegetable, onion, carrot, potatoes, peppers, whatever - put the bits that you don't eat (the peel, the seeds, the stalks) into the freezer bag. And then straight into the freezer. 

There's no limit to what vegetable odds and ends you can include
You don't have to fill the bag all in one go - pop it in the freezer and add to it every time you cook. When the bag is full, you're ready to go! Pop the peelings (and meat bones if you're using them) in the slow cooker, or in a heavy bottomed pan over a low heat, and let it simmer for HOURS. And I really mean hours. The longer you leave it, the stronger it will be. I tend to leave it in the slow cooker overnight. 

The slow cooker is by far the easiest way to do this
When it's done, strain all of the 'bits' out, and you can bin or compost them depending on how you deal with your waste. The liquid is what you want to keep. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and then freeze in ice cubes or other hand sized portions to use in all of your recipes. Delicious and free! What's not to love.

Tasty vegetable stock - free, delicious and very useful!

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